Special Friends:
Special thanks and appreciation to the following people for helping make JMOL a reality:
Dedicated to my dear friend Jeff Schweizer who went home to be with Jesus on 10/4/2021. Through thick and thin over 44 years we were always friends and it was his inspiration that started me down the JMOL path!
Donn & Betsy Wangerin - for support, prayers and encouragement and saving all my albums from having been a "Radio Minister" at WAJL in Winter Park, FL, and while I spent 20 years in the Army! Never knew they still had them until 2010 when they asked me what to do with them. Thank you for saving these!
Gary Ramey - for the counsel, encouragement and input to take us to 24 hours, donation of his music and being a GREAT Worship Leader at the "Rock House"!
Jeff Stockford - For his music and encouragement, days playing basketball for Calvary Assembly and like a GREAT Worship Leader and friend from "Rock House" days!
Scott Wesley Brown - taking his time and always loving, for providing insight and his prayers for me 38 years ago at "The Rock House" and dinner at Denny's afterwards - his encouragement to "Get Out on a Limb"!
Paul Clark - for his ministry over the years and ministering to a young teen back in 1977; taking time as a leader in CCM music to be with 10-15 high school kids and share Jesus! For re-connecting and chats on FB! Aim for the Heart!
Pam Mark Hall - Donation of her music and support to JMOL
Alex Schweizer - Lifelong friend and brother in the Lord who helped me come up the JMOL ministry.